Keith arrived on April 1, and we began gearing up. A few thousand dollars later, we had enough equipment and gear to make a trial run. We headed up from Sitka to Halibut Point Marine, about a 20 minute trip, to top off the fuel tanks. 80 gallons later, we headed out into the more protected area of Sitka Sound to try out the operation of actually fishing. We didn’t expect to catch anything, so weren’t disappointed when there was no activity. We brought her back to the harbor with a nice swell abeam, and got to see how the True North rode the roller coaster. She’s a smaller boat, but takes weather like a champion.

Willie the wonder dog – 36 hours before he went to the bathroom. He has some sort of moral code not to go on the boat, so I finally plopped him in the Zodiac raft when we anchored the second night and rowed him to shore. No trouble doing his business there!
It was a bit of a rodeo with him all excited and trying to circle the inside of a 6 foot boat, me kneeling in the bow with a paddle, and trying to get back to the fishing boat!
Once we were confident that things were going to work mechanically as well as could be expected ( did I mention I’m a Nervous Nelly about all that can go wrong?) , we headed out with the big boys to Cape Edgecumbe and the Winter Line. The line is a boundary set by Fish and Game, beyond which it is illegal to fish. Google Earth it – from the Cape Edgecumbe light to the southernmost tip of Woodward Point on Biorka Island. It doesn’t look far, but it takes us a little over 3 hours to get out near enough to fish. The weather can get brutal very quickly – we only have had 2 days where the seas were under 8 feet, with 15 foot swells being very common. Go look at your house, and figure out how high that is – when it’s not blowing, it’s pretty neat. When the wind is howling and the chop is short, it is downright abusive. Want an ab workout? Go to sea!
We’ve fished the cape now for a couple of weeks, and keep hearing the same refrain from the other fisherman – where are all the fish? Judging from the fact that the price keeps going up and we keep catching very few, I suspect that it wouldn’t be considered red hot fishing right now. Hope we survive the cash flow problem until it gets better!

The following day, with electro-shock therapy on his wrist, and loaded with Dramamine, Todd headed back to sea. Em didn’t like the shocker, so she just ate the pills and toughed it out. For those who need a testimonial about the wrist gadgets, Todd’s your man. It worked—we caught another fish, then anchored for a more or less comfortable night behind St. Lazaria Island. About 40 other fishermen were working the Cape, and the anchorage was full of all sorts of craft for the evening. We caught several more fish on Saturday, and came home on a beautifully glassy sea that evening.
I sat in the door off my boat Monday morning at 6 AM, and listened to the guns, screamers, and other bird bombs go off at the airport, about a quarter of a mile from the harbor. The plane lifted off perfectly into the clear morning air, banked over Mt. Edgecumbe, and left me really, really lonely. Love my family….
Later on Monday, we had our courtesy Coast Guard inspection that gives a person an idea of whether they comply with all the rules and regulations. I had a couple of items to add to the boat, plus an emergency drill class I need to take, and otherwise things went well. We headed off to the Cape again to fish – seas were bigger, ugly, and we were one of only 6 boats out there for the day. We had the dubious distinction of being the very last boat to leave the line Monday night – Tuesday was equally rough, and devoid of fish.
After a strategic reassessment, we decided that Wednesday we would leave Sitka and head inside Chatham Strait and work our way to Petersburg to try our luck.
Good to hear from you guys!! Been wondering how its going. Sounds like the boat is performing well and I'm sure there's a few other positive things to focus on (all you're learning etc). Hope the fish start to show up soon. Tell Joe and Karen Hi when you get to Petersburg. Keep us posted, Love, Steve and Judy
ReplyDeleteJust took some time to see how the fishing is going - hadn't taken time to search out your website for your new adventure! Hope the fish come around soon, and know that we are thinking of you often! Enjoyed the pictures! We haven't seen Todd rolled up in the fetal position since he was knee high to a grasshopper....he use to take up a lot less room! Ha! He was in his glory, no doubt, when the wristbands and dramamine kicked in! Adventure has always been his middle name! All the best to you.....we're having an earlier spring here; a very nice feeling to have a more "normal" spring even if we're also experiencing a "first" to harvest corn and plant corn all at the same time! Have a good week!
ReplyDeleteMark and Donna
Hi Reubin! I liked reading these tales of the True North. Um, a whole different world than here in sunny southern California. !!! Santee convention starts this week, so we are busy with details. I'll keep following your blog...wishing you good fishing on the waters of the wide world. -Laura